Health benefits of apples ๐ŸŽ| apple nutrition | health benefits of apples eating | Health

Health benefits of apples ๐ŸŽ| apple nutrition | health benefits of apples eating | Health

You've heard the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? You probably first heard it in kindergarten. Today, I’ll talk about Why You Should Eat An Apple Everyday. I know all of you have apples on a list o your favourite foods, but are they good for you! Do they assist in weight loss? How about heart benefits? Can apples really prevent type 2 diabetes? Or even cancer? I’m gonna talk about all that AND more... In today’s video I will show you 10 Impressive Nutritional Benefits that you can get from this delightful fruit. Before I start please subscribe to my channel and ring the notification bell. You will be notified when I publish new videos.


Apples Supply Your Body With Great Nutrients When it comes to your health, apples are a nutrient goldmine. Just by eating one apple, means opening a floodgate of amazing health benefits. Those who don't eat apples should change their mind now... the average medium-sized apple is around 95 calories. Additionally, you’ll also get 13% of your daily fibre requirements. And let’s not forget about Vitamins. Eating one apple means you are receiving about 6.3 mg of Vitamin C, which is 11% of your recommended intake for the day. There are also satisfying amounts of manganese, potassium, Vitamin K and copper.


Eating Apples Can Help You Lose Weight One of the great benefits of eating any fruit is potential weight loss.Apples are surprisingly filling. Because of their high fiber content, this fruit will make you feel full for a longer period of time. A study conducted in 2009 focused on people who begin their meal by eating sliced apples. They consumed 200 calories less than those who did not eat apples before meals. The average woman needs about 2000 calories per day, while the average man should have 2500. In order to lose weight, it is recommended that you subtract 500 calories from your daily diet. If your schedule is a little hectic, and you have zero time to head to the gym, have no fear! Munching on an apple is a great place to start the weight loss process.


 Apples Lower Your Risk of Diabetes Diabetes is one of the world's most serious health issues. Did you know that an estimated 1 in 3 adults are prediabetic? No kidding. By 2013, around 382 million people around the world are estimated to have diabetes. That number is predicted to shoot up to almost 600 million by 2035! For those of you worried about diabetes, you should consult a doctor. But in the kitchen, you can start eating apples. Research has linked the consumption of apples to decreasing a person’s risk of diabetes. Take this one study for example. This piece of research from 2011 focused on people who ate one apple every day, as well as a group who didn’t. By the end, those who ate apples had a 28% less chance of diabetes. You know, apples contain a type of soluble fiber called pectin. This acid is released into the bloodstream, helping to maintain a proper level of blood sugar. So it’s safe to say that when it comes to fighting the risk of diabetes, apples are on your side.


Apples Potentially Prevent Cancer Now let me quickly say that this is not a certainty. Many studies have simply indicated that this claim is correct.For instance, lab studies have shown that several compounds found in apples have the potential to prevent cancer from growing. Keep in mind, further studies are needed to confirm this. Apples contain a variety of nutrients and polyphenols that may aid in cancer prevention. The apple peel even carries chemical compounds of its own. These are known as triterpenoids, which asevidence suggests, may help battle cancer as well as several other diseases. A study conducted back in 2005 suggested that people who eat 1 apple a day had a 20% lower risk of colorectal cancer, and an 18% less risk of breast cancer. But before you get excited and spend money on an apple at the grocery store, you must remember that further research is required! Well don’t you worry because we’ve go plenty of other great benefits .


 Apples Fight Heart Disease For every 25 grams of apple you consume, you are 9% less likely to suffer a stroke. What u wanna say? I wanna say Apples can be great for your heart. When I mentioned the triterpenoids located in the peel, I didn’t mention the other polyphenols that exist within it. One of these is a flavonoid known as epicatechin. While triterpenoids maintain proper blood sugar, epicatechin lowers your blood pressure. Flavonoids such as these are linked to a 20% lower risk of stroke. One study done in 2013 put apples up against cholesterol lowering drugs known as statins. By the end, it was found that apples had a more potent effect against heart disease than the statins.


Apples Keep Your Gut Health Everybody wants a healthy gut. After all, it is essential to our wellbeing. Ever heard of microbiome? Well your microbiome is comprised of different kinds of bacteria that help control your guts digestion. The amount of good and bad bacteria needs to be balanced in order for your body to remain healthy and function properly. If there’s an imbalance, you may experience high blood pressure, weight gain, high cholesterol and many other health issues. So how do we maintain a healthy balance? answer is apple Apples contain a fiber known as pectin. This serves as a type of fuel for your healthy gut bacteria, growing inside your colon and transforming into healthy compounds. This is the reason to munch on an apple once a day. Now we've taken care of the gut, let’s move on to the lungs


Apples Battle Asthma Not only are 25 million Americans suffering from asthma, 8.4% of the country’s children currently have it.The antioxidants in apples defend your lung from harmful particles. The flavonoid quercetin helps to reduce inflammation and cleanse the immune system, making it easier for your lungs to function. I bet you didn’t know that eating less tha a quarter of an apple each day can decrease the severity of asthma by 10%. It’s so ironic that apples fight asthma, because the amount of benefits this fruit carries is leaving me breathless… huhuhu Alright, bad joke. I’ll forget about it if you do. Let’s just move on...


Apples Help Your Brain Function That’s right! If you want better cognitive function, apparentl apples hold the answer. Let’s discuss apple juice for a minute. We’ve all had it at a certain point in our lives. In a study on mice, those that drank apple juice had less mental decline and produced more oxygen in their brain. Apple juice also helps to preserve the brain’s neurotransmitters like acetylcholine. This chemical works to send signals to other cells in your body. When your level of acetylcholine is low, you can become vulnerable to diseases such as Alzheimer’s. To add to the good news, the quercetin located in apples will protect your brain cells from folding under oxidative stress .


Apples Can Support a Healthy Immune Syste Who doesn’t want a stronger immune system? Everyone wants right? Apples can be an important tool in your immune-supporting tool kit. Apples are great sources of fiber and natural sugars—I told you before that apple skins contain quercetin, a type of plant pigment flavonoid that helps boost your immune system and reduce inflammation. Make sure to eat it with the peel and al its phytonutrients. There’s reason to believe that apples are immunity booster, in part because they contain immune-boosting vitamin C. Regular consumption of vitamin C plays many roles in helping the immune system function. For example, it can help strengthen the epithelial (a type of tissue) barrier against pathogens and guard against environmental oxidative stress, such as pollution and radiation, according to past research.


Helps keep teeth healthy and white Apples won’t be replacing your toothbrush, but swallowing and chewing an apple increases the production of saliva in your mouth, reducing the decaying of teeth and the number of bacteria. Eating apples can help cleanse and clean teeth, and fight bad breath. The fibrous content of apples cleans teeth by acting as a toothbrush and scrubbing away plaque from teeth, and removing other food debris. The acidity in an apple helps kill off bad bacteria that encourages bad breath. Be sure to leave the skin on the apple, since it is full of the mouth-healthy fiber thathelps keep teeth and gums clean.Are you an “apple a day” type of person?Let me know in the comments below.I would love to hear from you. If you enjoyed this video give huge thumbsup, subscribe it and turn on notificationbell.Until next time take care and bye bye.

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