Rann of Kutch - how was it formed? and why is it so white?

Rann of Kutch - how was it formed? and why is it so white?


Do you know where india gets most of itssalt from  one of the largest salt deserts in the  world the run of kutch  is the source for almost 75 percent of  India's salt production is massive  white desert  known for its beautiful sunsets and moon  rises  and it covers an area of ​​​​almost 25 000  square kilometers  but there are two major geological  events which led to the formation  of this valuable desert so valuable is  this area  that a border dispute here is believed  to have begun  the 1965 war between India and Pakistan  the run of Kach is part of the Thar  desert situated in Kutch district  in the state of Gujarat Kach  is the largest district in India  covering a massive  45 600 square kilometers  that's actually larger than a lot of  countries  including Denmark Belgium  and Switzerland in western Europe  the term run of Kutch loosely means a  salty mar  which is intermittently wet and dry  many centuries ago most of this region  was completely submerged  under the arabian sea before a powerful  earthquake forced  the seabed to rise up if you check out  old maps of the area  like this one the run  is sometimes shown as being part of the  scene  due to the excessive water supply here  due to various rivers coming in from  various sites  but that was before 1819  in June 1819 another powerful earthquake  struck the area  leading to two significant changes first  Many of the rivers flowing through the  area changed  their course this included various  Tributaries  of the river Indus which were earlier  flowing towards the run of Kutch  but then were diverted towards the west  and second part of the land rose up  in this area by about nine meters  forming an embankment which further  stopped the flow of rivers  towards the run of Kutch moving the water bodies  towards Sindh instead of this embankment  is known as Allahabad  this made the run of Kach as it is today  a largely barren salt desert  but in the monsoon season every year the  run of Kutch  gets submerged underwater and is  connected once again  to the arabian sea leading to massive  inflow of salty water  at this time it becomes home to various  migratory birds  and perhaps is the only place in India  where flamingos come regularly  to breed the area remains submerged for  about four months every year  after which the water recedes around  October  leaving behind salty marshes and a white  beautiful desert  for the next eight months the locals  engage in salt farming  and take out the whitest salt in the  world  this is also the time when the popular  ran utsa  is held in the desert now another  landmark in the area  is dholavir which is believed to have been   one of the grandest cities of its  time  5000 years ago it is the most prominent  site in India  belonging to the time of the Indus  Valley Civilization  Incidentally the ancient city of  Dholavir was situated  on the tropic of cancer which is at  latitude 23 degrees north of the equator  it is the northernmost point where the


 reaches directly overhead on the day of  the summer solstice  or June 21 each year similarly  the tropic of capricorn  is the southernmost point where the sun  reaches directly overhead  on the day of the winter solstice in  December  interestingly these tropics are not  static  and currently both are moving towards  the equator  at about 15 meters each year  and in Mexico this movement has been  recorded with signposts  marking the movement of the tropic of  cancer since 2005  to 2010 the tropic of cancer passes  through various states in India  There is a town in northeast India which  is considered to be closest  to the tropic of cancer in the country  Incidentally  it shares its name with a popular city  in north west India  you can find out which town I am talking about  Thank you  you for watching we'll be back  with more videos very soon  Please don't forget to subscribe to our  channel to stay updated  and if you know the answer to the  question please leave a comment in the  comment section below.

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