TOP 5 EASY FOODS for the Baby Fish Fry | Bristlenose Catfish


TOP 5 EASY FOODS for the Baby Fish Fry | Bristlenose Catfish

hi everyone Colin here and welcome back in today's video we are going to feed these baby catfish that   I've rescued five different types of food I'm going to show you what they are and they are   what's going to help these little babies grow up very quickly over about two months that they  can actually leave this temporary safety of this little net that I've rigged up to keep them safe   away from the other hungry fish so I'm going to feed them in that net and that'll keep them safe   from these hungry betta fish over about two months they'll get big enough they can get returned back   into the main aquarium so the five foods I'm using number one is green spinach and green spinach can   be used fresh crumble it in your hands and crush it you can freeze it or put it in the microwave    either way once you've done that you can justdrop it straight into the water for these little   fish to suck on and they love it one of the first foods that these algae scraping fish love to eat   our greens and they'll grow up to be just like dad so these greens will last in the tank about 24 to 48   hours until they just scrape the whole thing gone so spinach works incredibly well the second food   is cucumber or zucchini and all the fish love to eat this and so do these little algae eating   catfish babies and these cut sections of frozen zucchini will probably last again about 24 to 48   hours until it is eaten all the way to nothing so that is food number two and third one is a food   you probably have not seen before all or rarely and that is oats fish love to eat these rolled   oats just like you use for your breakfast cereal for porridge the fish all the fish really enjoy   to eat oats so not only the babies enjoy eating this that every time it gets put into this little   net it's keeping them safe very soon the babies end up with company and the company that they are   getting absolutely rock the net and these fish will just suck and suck and suck on the sides of   this net until those oat flakes are all gone so all these fish really do enjoy to eat some oats and they'll also last about one or two days food number four is a food that everyone pretty much   has seen before in the shops a form of algae wafer now it's not so important which brand that you're   using but when you get the sinking tablets or wafers they are full of lots of different   ingredients that is going to give the young fry various vitamins and minerals and a bit more   balance in their early diet so it's good to use some shop foods as well as these other fresh foods   at the early stages and again when these type of foods go into the the net it attracts other fish   and the other fish are always just on the outside and they are always just looking to see if they   can get a bit of that food as well and thank goodness that net is keeping those babies safe so there you've had a look at the main foods that I'mfitting this baby catfish and altogether each   day a different one and they are gonna grow up nice and quickly nice and healthy these fish   and they'll be back in the main tank before you know it but as a bonus tip this wood is   actually a very important early food as well if not the wood itself it's the biofilm that   grows on the wood so for young fish this wood is really good to have in there with   them as well so hope you enjoyed the video thank you for watching click notifications   if you haven't already and subscribe if you  like more videos on your aquariums like this

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